I try to be as Independent as i ever can.
This gives me the possibility to produce and create art without the limitations of a producer. Within this Youtube is a amazing platform to share my work as a filmmaker and build up my own independent channel. Beside Youtube i have multiple other projects focused on more arty films, shortfilms and whatever i feel like without the need of selling it. I guess commercial filmmaking isnt what its in my mind so i try to give everything reachable for all of u. And this even for free. Ok at least for you all.
Feel free to check out my channel and everything else what i do beside of filmmaking.

aboUt rituals and tRue alteRnAtive life
TUESDAY TRIPDAY is just another video blog docu by LILY LU / LITTLE SWASTIKA to explore a different side of a ritualistic, shamanic, alternative lifestyle and philosophy.
I stand somewhere between subcultures, tattoo, body modifications and modern rituals of our time. Psychedelic shaman rites or just a insane surreal illusion of our society.
In between my sextransition i give up any kind of limitations in gender, life, society, the outside reality of what we call earth and anything else surrounding my body or my mind.
Call it what you want.
This is life and this is happening.
sEnseless philosopHical woRds
This is just a small and simple vlog to explore a different side of a ritualistic, shamanic, alternative lifestyle and philosophy.
This blog is very personal to me and i will also take questions out of the comments and talk about. Each episode i try to take one small topic and have a quick rough talk about.
There will be no fancy edit, no music, no b-roll and cinematic highlights. Its just pure and row from my mind. Every bigger topic i will use for a proper review in TUESDAY TRIPDAY.
find me on yoUtube
Or click direct on the subscribe button to not waste anytime to show me some support and to see more of my episodes. DONT FORGET to put the bell notification on after subscribing. otherwise youtube will not send u a notification when i post a new video. I normaly post a video every thursday and saturday at 16:12 Europe time. Mostly i try to make a live PODCAST every tuesday around 23:30 Europe time. To never miss anything subscribe on my channels and check in from time to time. I am always happy about likes, coments and any engagement. The algorythm loves it and so do i. I usually trying to reply to most coments. Specialy the first once after i release a new clip.

When you want me to invest more time in more personal youtube videos you have a easy way to really support me and help me making my living and my life with it. You can support me easy over my patreon page and give me a little bit of a regulated income and supportive feedback to keep the system running.

YOU WANT US TO RISE AND BUILD PSYLAND. Feel free to support me over my patreon page or fund me something over the paypal donation button. When you dont like to involve money feel free to take a look in my amazon wishlist and may just order something from there. It is all things i need and will use for my creative process and they will get send directly to me.
For sponsorship, product reviews, geting my adress for sending products to test or just presents or to start a collaboration, you can email me over the contact.